If you are hiring and would like to post a position on our job board, we have great news for you!
MIAA has partnered with CareerPlug to support your hiring operations. CareerPlug designed their hiring software for non-HR people so every owner, operator, and hiring manager can make the right hires for their team. Every MIAA member receives a free CareerPlug account that comes with a branded careers page to showcase your jobs, pre-built job templates, a configured hiring process to help evaluate your applicants, and access to a team of Hiring Experts. You also have the option to upgrade the free account to a paid Pro subscription at an exclusive partnership rate starting at only $595/year for unlimited job postings to top job boards (Indeed, ZipRecruiter, GoogleJobs, etc.), use of evaluation tools like personality assessments, paperless onboarding, and access to free 1:1 coaching within the first 30 days of upgrading. Click “Upgrade” in the top right hand corner of your account for more details. CareerPlug now offers a premium subscription giving you access to the new Autopilot feature, which helps automate interview scheduling.
MIAA recommends that all new members upgrade to the “Pro” subscription!
READY? Contact Lisa Veregge at lisa@maineagents.net to request your log-in information to create an account. CareerPlug will email login instructions and Help Center resources to get started – check your inbox. Member agencies should activate the free account. Member agencies who are hiring should sign up for the "Pro" subscription – This includes a 14-day free trial of the Pro subscription. A credit card will be needed to sign up for the Pro version.
Remember, your success will greatly depend on how often and well you use this hiring software. So, make sure you take some time up front to learn how to best use CareerPlug to make the right hires! Free training resources are available!

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Ranahan Business Consulting - offering a full service recruiting team to develop job ads, source candidates, review for viability, schedule and conduct telephone interviews, send feedback and deploy pre-hire assessments! Learn more.......
 Winning@talent - PIA members receive a complimentary toolkit for hiring, motivating and retaining employees!
Finding the Right Fit
Caliper Personality Test - Caliper's hiring assessments help identify which person is best suited for a given job based on their intrinsic motivation relative to the role's responsibilities. Discounted pricing available to MIAA members.
Omnia Group - Behavorial Assessment Tool's to make the best choice for the position. Discounted pricing available to PIA members.
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